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The first railway interconnection in Piła opened on the 27th of July, 1851. At this time, the aforementioned rail route led through Krzyż and Piła to Bydgoszcz, which included the bridge over the Gwda River. The route construction started in 1848. It was lengthened to Tczew in 1852 and it continued to Frankfurt upon Oder River where it connected with the railway route to Berlin in 1858. The interconnection consisted of one track at first and it was the part of Great Royal Prussian Eastern Railway linking Konigsberg with Berlin in 1867. Piła got connected to Chojnice through Złotów in the January of 1871. The newly built route connected Piła with Poznań and Szczecinek in the May of 1879. The last built route connected Piła and Wałcz in the November of 1881  

Over 20 year period Piła became one of the greatest railway hubs in former Eastern Prussia. It had also a great strategic and military importance. The traffic in Piła’s rail station increased systematically. Only in 1913 Piła's station served 575 thousand people - we should admit that more people served by rail stations in Greater Poland were only in Poznan /Posen/ and Bydgoszcz /Bromberg/. The travelers had an opportunity to use a well-equipped station. In 1884 station buildings consisted of: three waiting-rooms of 355 square meters, station offices with telegraph, three post office rooms and two flats. There were also two water-towers and merchandising building with storage room and roofed ramp. Many people worked in blue collar jobs but also white-collar workers found jobs during the construction of the railway hub in Piła. A lot of people worked as station workers, tropic workers, storage helpers and watchmen. For many people, Depot Repairing Factory became a place of their work. 1870 - 74 is the period of building round-shaped powerhouse. It was an example of model to inspire later roundhouses like these ones which were built in Hamburg, Magderbug and Altona.

After research carried out by Office of Technical Monuments in Wrocław, the roundhouse in Piła proved to be the only one which survived war and it's the oldest one in Europe. Because of its technical and historical value, it was signed up to List of Monuments of Greater Poland Voievodeship. Despite this fact it is still a ruin.

Author: Krystian Szczelczyk


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